Teacher Tools [Training Mode]
Editing Student Information in the Manage Students Panel [Training Mode]
On the left hand side of each student listing you can see, you can see: The student’s real name, followed by their login name in parentheses. Click on this to view the student’s account profile. The names of all communities to which they belong. A ...
Using the Manage Students Panel [Training Mode]
Manage Students includes listings for all of your students using MySciLife. If you don’t see any students yet, you need to have your students follow the Student Quickstart process to sign up and join your Community. OOPS! If your students have ...
Using The Activity Feed [Training Mode]
For teachers, the Activity Feed is one of the central hubs of MySciLife. Any item that requires moderation shows up in the Activity Feed. From here, you can control what pieces of your students’ content appears on the site. To access your Activity ...