Create Identity
Create Identity Button [Training Mode]
Once you’ve filled out all the details, click Create, and you’ll see a confirmation that your new identity has been created. Tip: Be sure that the information you enter is accurate and complete before submitting: if you click Create too soon, you ...
Add Additional Image [Training Mode]
Additional Image: You already have an identity avatar, but including an additional image is even better. Click Choose file and a system dialog box will open, allowing you to choose an image you have saved locally. You can also drag and drop and image ...
Add Video [Training Mode]
Each MySciLife identity can have one video associated with it. If you’d like to use a YouTube video, copy and paste the URL into this field, and you’re all set. Youtube URLs will look like this: If you’d like to use ...
Add Link [Training Mode]
Use this section to share a link to a website or another page you created about your identity. Click the +Add link button and type or copy and paste the link title and the URL. The title can be an explanation, such as “A look at my ancestors” or “My ...
Identity Bio [Training Mode]
Use this space to write a short biography for your identity. Reminder: Write as if you ARE the identity by using first person (“I and “me”). Stay in character! DO NOT share your real name, your location, or include information about who you really ...
Identity Avatar [Training Mode]
Each identity has an image that shows next to its name on all posts and comments created with it. Think of it as your identity’s profile picture. Your teacher may assign you to create a special image or to find one that is copyright safe (Creative ...
Identity Name [Training Mode]
Choose a name for your identity. DO NOT include any part of your real name, your location, or any hint as to who you really are. Your teacher may assign or suggest what kind of identity you should make, but you can give your identities creative names ...
Creating An Identity [Training Mode]
In MySciLife, you play the role of a science concept or object—like the nucleus of a cell, a weather front, a tectonic plate, or even a force like gravity. Think of your identities like wearing a costume—when you post, you’re writing as the identity ...