Activity Feed (Teacher Tools)
Post Status (Activity Feed)
Post Status (Activity Feed) Because the same posts can appear on multiple teachers’ activity feeds (co-teachers, lead teachers, administrators, etc.) it’s important to remember that the status of each post is post-specific and not teacher-specific. ...
Disapproving with Feedback
Disapproving with Feedback When disapproving a post, teachers are given the option to provide feedback before it’s sent back to the student’s Drafts. If you do not wish to provide feedback, simply click X to dismiss the box. The post will be marked ...
Moderating in the Post View
Moderating in the Post View Teachers can moderate student posts inside the individual post view. To see this view (which includes the entire contents of a student post, identity profile, or comment), click the title of that item in the Activity Feed. ...
Moderating in the Activity Feed
Moderating in the Activity Feed You can interact with all of the items that appear in the activity feed in one of two ways: View and the Approve/Disapprove toggle for posts, comments, and identities requiring moderation. View: Click this button to ...
Managing Activity Feed Items in Bulk
Managing Activity Feed Items in Bulk Viewing or moderating (approving or disapproving) an activity feed item will mark the item as read. However, you can mark multiple Activity Feed items as read or unread with these buttons. To mark feed items as ...
Sorting the Activity Feed
Sorting the Activity Feed At the top of the Activity Feed, you’ll see a series of drop-down menus, or filters. You can use these menus to limit which information you see in your Activity Feed. This can be useful, because you’ll find that the feed ...
Activity Feed (Overview)
Activity Feed (Overview) For teachers, the Activity Feed is one of the central hubs of MySciLife. Any item that requires moderation shows up in the Activity Feed. From here, you can control what pieces of your students’ content appears on the site. ...