Using The Activity Feed [Training Mode]

Using The Activity Feed [Training Mode]

For teachers, the Activity Feed is one of the central hubs of MySciLife. Any item that requires moderation shows up in the Activity Feed. From here, you can control what pieces of your students’ content appears on the site. 

To access your Activity Feed, hover over (or click on mobile) the Teacher Tools menu (marked by the orange hammer and wrench icon) and click Activity Feed. You can also select the Activity Feed tab if you’re already inside Teacher Tools

Tip: A small red counter will appear next to the Teacher Tools icon anytime you have new or unread items in your feed. If you cannot find unread items and the counter  is still showing, change the sorting filters to the following: Activity filter to “Unread Only” and Time filter to “Forever”. Then click the “GO” button to filter your feed.

Items that appear in the activity feed include:

  1. Posts: Shows you all posts in your Communities.
  2. Identity: Shows you all student identity creation or change requests.
  3. Post Comments: Shows you all student comments on posts. 
  4. Announcement Comments: Shows you all student comments on announcements.
  5. Member Requests: Shows you new requests to join your Communities. These will disappear once you approve or disapprove them. 

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