Providing Consent for Your Child to Use MySciLife

Providing Consent for Your Child to Use MySciLife

Upon entering the Parent Portal for the first time, you’ll see your child’s name and will be given three options:

  • Decline consent (Red Button) – Clicking this option denies your child access to MySciLife and results in the immediate deletion of your child’s Student account. This action is not reversible.
  • Provide consent (Green Button) – Clicking this option gives your child permission to use MySciLife and launches the parental consent process for this child.
  • This is not my child – Clicking this option will remove the child listed from your account and will trigger an email alert to both the student and teacher that there is an issue with the contact information provided. 

After clicking Provide consent, you’ll be presented with the following message before being taken to the next screen: 

If you do not provide consent for your child (Jane Polo) to join MySciLife within 14 days, all information associated with the account will be deleted.
No Parental Consent On File - Account Inactive

If you clicking Provide consent, you’ll be asked to read the MySciLife permission form. Parents must then set two separate permission toggles to YES or NO to provide or deny consent for their child to use MySciLife. These toggles are:

  1. I give permission for my child to participate in the online social learning environment known as MySciLife®, as directed by Jesse Nolan as a supplemental class activity. I understand that MySciLife® uses an education-only, teacher-controlled, anonymous environment. I further understand that my child’s participation requires the collection of their name, birthday, a private login name, and an anonymous “identity” (screen name).
  2. I give permission for teacher-moderated posts of my child’s MySciLife® work (without individual identification) to be displayed within the password protected MySciLife® space, accessible to students and teachers enrolled in the MySciLife® platform. I understand that other members of the MySciLife® platform can ONLY see my student’s anonymous identity.

NOTE: Setting the first toggle to NO is the equivalent of declining consent, as a student cannot have an account if MySciLife cannot collect basic personal information from your child (name, email, etc.). If you continue with this setting set to NO, your child’s account will be deleted. 

At the bottom of the page is a master privacy toggle that adjusts itself as you toggle the three permission settings and shows how your selections ultimately affect your child’s ability to interact and participate on MySciLife. The three resultant master privacy settings are:

  1. Inactive – You have provided consent for the collection of your child’s personally identifiable information (i.e. account creation), but your child is not allowed to log in to the platform.
  2. Read-Only – You have provided consent for your child to create an account and your child can log in and browse the platform but cannot interact with content, make comments, or post.
  3. Active – You have provided consent for your child to create an account and have full access to the platform, including the ability to interact with content and make their own posts.

To finish providing Verifiable Parental Consent (VPC), you must check the box at the bottom of this page that reads, “I agree to the terms and conditions of the MySciLife Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, including the MySciLife Children’s Privacy Policy.” If you haven’t already, we encourage you to read each of these documents as they include important information about how we safeguard your child’s information.

Click Submit at the bottom of this page to complete the parental consent process.

If there were errors made on this screen, you’ll be prompted to go back and fill in any missing fields. After fixing the errors, click the Submit button to complete the process. 

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