Post Status (Activity Feed)
Because the same posts can appear on multiple teachers’ activity feeds (co-teachers, lead teachers, administrators, etc.) it’s important to remember that the status of each post is post-specific and not teacher-specific. If a student has two teachers, when one teacher takes action on a post (Mark As Read, Approve, Disapprove, Disapprove with Feedback, Edit, etc.) this action affects the Activity Feed of every teacher that can view that post.
For example, if a student makes a post to the Main Stream and their teacher chooses Mark as Read but does not approve the post, it will be marked as read on every teacher's activity feed (co-, admin, and lead teachers included). Similarly, if a student makes a post to the Main Stream and their teacher approves it, the Activity Feed of all other teachers will show this approval. If another teacher then subsequently disapproved this post, all other teacher’s Activity Feeds would have this item removed, as it would be pushed back to the student's Draft Center.