My Personal Library

My Personal Library

My Personal Library

Each teacher has a Personal Library. Any resource that you are going to re-use from year-to-year should always be stored here, as Personal Libraries are not affected when Communities are archived or MySciLife is ‘rolled over’ into a new school year/session. Your Personal Library enables you to store and organize resources for multiple school years, sessions, or classes so that it’s easy to copy or rebuild your classroom resources for each Community at the start of a new session. As with the other Administrator/Community libraries, if a file from this library is shared or updated, all instances of that file across MySciLife are also updated (except in an archived Community). 

You can always add library items directly into a Community’s library, but if it’s an item that is used often, it’s much easier to add that item into the Personal Library and share it with each individual Community. This also makes it easy to remove the item from the Community library when the unit ends or to load items to your Personal Library in advance. Then all you have to do is the final share to the Community, just in time for an assignment or announcement/prompt!

“Make Folder Public” Checkbox: Teachers can make an entire folder in their Personal Library public for ALL of their students to view by simply checking this box inside the create/edit folder screen. This folder will be added into all Community libraries you control. Unchecking this box will remove the folder from all Community libraries, and students will no longer be able to access it. 

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