In MySciLife, you play the role of a science concept or object—like the nucleus of a cell, a weather front, a tectonic plate, or even a force like gravity. Think of your identities like wearing a costume—when you post, you’re writing as the identity you created for that MySciLife module, not as yourself!
You need to learn a lot about the concept behind each identity you create so you can play that role accurately and post from a cell part or planet’s point of view. Usually, you’ll create a new identity for each module (or unit) you’re studying, but you can also go back and add posts and comments as one of your previous identities throughout the school year! There is no limit on the number of identities you can have, so you’re welcome to create as many identities as you’d like.
Only teachers in your Community will be able to see your (or other students’) real name. You are your MySciLife identity to everyone you “meet” in MyScLife!
The first time you log in to MySciLife, you’ll be prompted to create an identity. Remember: only your teacher can see your real name, so creating an identity is like creating an online profile for the science concept or object you’re going to pretend to be. You need to create an identity to be able to post, comment, or react to posts in a Community or in the Main Stream. You will be prompted to fill in the following information:
Identity Name: Choose a name for your identity. DO NOT include any part of your real name, your location, or any hint as to who you really are. Your teacher may assign or suggest what kind of identity you should make, but you can give your identities creative names like Mighty Mitochondria or Crazy Crust. Identity names must be unique, so you may have to add a number, middle initial, or other variation if your first choice is already taken.
Identity Avatar: Each identity has an image that shows next to its name on all posts and comments created with it. Think of it as your identity’s profile picture. Your teacher may assign you to create a special image or to find one that is copyright safe (Creative Commons). Once you’ve selected an image, save it to your computer, click Choose file, and select the image from the location where you have it saved. If you you’re struggling to find an image, check out the resources for copyright-safe images (and a video for how to find them and give proper citations) in the MySciLife Resource Library. You can also draw one and take a picture of it or take an actual picture out in the real world (no copyright concerns there!), log in to MySciLife on a mobile phone, and upload your image that way.
Identity Bio: Use this space to write a short biography for your identity. Your teacher may assign specific information to include, but be sure to research the concept you’ve chosen so you can start writing from that point of view.
Reminder: Write as if you ARE the identity by using first person (“I and “me”). Stay in character! DO NOT share your real name, your location, or include information about who you really are. Think and write as your identity.
Avatar Citation: If you did not draw or take the image yourself, you must give credit to its creator. Copy and paste the actual URL to the copyright-safe image you found online here. Remember: A search URL is NOT a correct citation! See the video in the MySciLife Resource Library or ask your teacher for help.
Add Link: Use this section to share a link to a website or another page you created about your identity. Click the +Add link button and type or copy and paste the link title and the URL. The title can be an explanation, such as “A look at my ancestors” or “My favorite food,” or the title of the resource to which you’re linking. You can add or edit this link at any time.
Video: Each MySciLife identity can have one video associated with it. If you’d like to use a YouTube video, copy and paste the URL into this field, and you’re all set. Youtube URLs will look like this:
If you’d like to use video you made yourself, click Choose file. A system dialog box will open, allowing you to choose a video file you have saved on your computer. You can add or edit this video at any time.
Additional Image: You already have an identity avatar, but including an additional image is even better. Click Choose file and a system dialog box will open, allowing you to choose an image you have saved locally. You can also upload an image of your own.
Additional Image Citation: If you did not draw or take the image yourself, you must give credit to its creator. Copy and paste the URL for the copyright-safe image you found online. A search URL is NOT a correct citation! See the video in the MySciLife Resource Library or ask your teacher for help.
Once you’ve filled out all the details, click Create, and you’ll see a confirmation that your new identity has been created.
Tip: Be sure that the information you enter is accurate and complete before submitting: if you click Create too soon, you won’t be able to re-access the page to edit it until it has been approved by your teacher! Consider writing your bio and collecting links before you start creating an identity so you don’t lose your progress if the bell rings before you’re done. Once approved, you can edit or add things to your identity at any time.