Creating a New Student Account

Creating a New Student Account

Creating a New Student Account

In order to access MySciLife as a student, you’ll have to create an account. Before signing up, you will need a Community access code provided by your teacher to and a parent’s email address so we can verify your class and send your parents a permission form. Visit and click the Students: Join Your Class button to access the form to create a Student account.

Note: All account information is confidential and will be retained in accordance with our Privacy Policies.

The form includes the following list of prompts:

What Is Your Name?: Enter your first and last name.

When Is Your Birthdate? Use the dropdown menus for day, month, and year to enter your birthday.

What Is Your Email Address?: If it is not against your school’s policy to do so, enter your school email address. An email address is entirely optional and can be edited or deleted at any time. Be sure to enable your email account to accept mail from so messages do not get blocked by your school’s SPAM filter. You will be opted in to initial email notifications by default. If you would like to change your email notification settings, you can do so at any time via the My Account page.

Create a Login Name: Create a login name that you will use to access all of your identities in MySciLife. This login name will not be visible to anyone except your teacher(s) and MySciLife administrators.

Create A Password: Enter and confirm a password to protect your account. Passwords must contain at least one uppercase letter and one number and are case sensitive.

Community Access Code: Type in the access code your teacher gave you so we can verify your account. Your teacher will be notified and will need to approve before you can join their Community.

Your Parent Email Address: Enter a parent or guardian’s email address. Your parent will receive an email with instructions to approve your participation in MySciLife.

Legal Stuff: Before you finish signing up, check the box to agree with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policies. We recommend you read both.

Captcha: Complete the captcha so we know you aren’t a bot.

When finished, click the Next Step button to complete the sign-up process. If you completed everything correctly, you will see a welcome page.

If there were errors in your signup information, you’ll be prompted to go back and fill any blank fields. After fixing the errors, click the finish button.

Your parent must approve your participation in MySciLife and your teacher must approve your access to your Community before you can log in and participate in MySciLife.

Student Temporary Login Screen:

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